Today Maxon announced the 15th version of Cinema4D which is scheduled to ship and be available to public in September. Here is a sneak peak into some of the new features. Like last year I´m showing not to much on the major ones. There will be complete new stuff like Team Render, improved Gi and sculpting. I´m as always more about workflow improvement and nice to have. But I´m shure you find heaps of previews for the rest of it within the next ours in the world wide web from our super active cinema 4d beta community. This is just an introduction to some of my favourite new features and no detailed tutorial.
01 Texture Manager
The new Texture Manager is def. bad ass for your workflow improvement. Everytime you switch between osx and win or get a project on a hard drive to transfer it to your own server you get prompted by an error message of Cinema 4D of missing textures while you hit the render button. Until R15 it took you ages everytime to relink to the new texture path. With the new R15 Texture Manager finally we have a one click solution for this problem.
02 Edge Slide
In R15 we got a complete new edgeslide tool which was only possible before with the 3rd party Kyama plugin.
Have a look on your own.
[vimeo video_id=”70853747″ width=”650″ height=”300″ title=”No” byline=”No” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”c9ff23″]
03 Bevel
Bevel and Cinema 4D was always a big topic in the user community. Maxon brought a complete new solution with a pretty cool toolset of bevle features which gives you the ability to adjust it as long and as easy as you want. Have a look on your own.
[vimeo video_id=”70855319″ width=”650″ height=”300″ title=”No” byline=”No” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”c9ff23″]
04 Renaming to Subdivision Surface
Best sign in 2013 Cinema 4D is 100% a professional 3D package. Hypernurps are gone… 🙂